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Martina Åkerlund: Diligence in diversity


STEM: Seek to educate many

“I think it’s best when we combine men and women, just like I think it’s best when we combine different ages, expertise and ethnic backgrounds. We all have varied perspectives, experiences and other ways of solving things. So I think we are always best when we try to mix and integrate as much as possible.” With a strong belief that women should be treated in no way dissimilar to men, Åkerlund both values and welcomes diversity within the workplace.

Having more women involved in the gaming industry is something she aims to advocate with her visions for expanding a new US tech team, alongside the new technology team already operating in Stockholm.“In the near future, we would like to have more women in the company. Now that we are expanding in the US, we are hopefully looking at getting a woman on board there as well. We will continue expanding our tech team externally to have flexibility,” she added.

Some studies suggest that only 25% of all tech jobs are held by women.Figures show that during pre-school, 64% of girls choose to learn about technological studies, as opposed to 83% being boys. Moreover, only 30% of females choose to learn science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) subjects at university, in comparison to 54% of males. A shocking number of 3% of women choose a tech-based job as a career choice, in comparison to 15% of males.

Åkerlund continues: “From my perspective, it’s all about the individuals, the great individuals and talented people. Gender is not important to me. I would love to work with a team of women, just like I would love to work with a team of men.”As we live in a society where women institutes like Women Who Code and Global Gaming Women applaud women for working or integrating themselves in the tech or STEM industries, it’s refreshing to see, but as for now, it’s time to close the gender gap…Don’t you think?The full interview will be included in the September/October edition of Gambling Insider magazine, out in early September; you can read the July/August edition here.

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