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SB22 secures GLI-33 certification

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Built specifically for the US market, the wagering platform features a built-in Player Account Management module and an advanced betting engine, offering an omni-channel experience.

“SB22 represents a quantum leap forward in the industry,” said SB22 CEO John Asher Thompson. “There is simply nothing like it in the market today in terms of user experience, whether for consumers on the front end or operators on the back end.”

As noted by SB22, the platform is the first mobile-centric, iOS-native, fully automated, cloud-capable, and VR/AR-ready tech platform in the sports betting industry.

“SB22 did a great job of achieving GLI-33 Event Wagering Systems certification expeditiously,” said Salim L. Adatia, GLI Vice President of Client Services for North America. “Their development and commercial team worked diligently with GLI’s testing and client services team throughout both the pre-certification and certification testing phases. 

“SB22’s commitment to these test initiatives resulted in efficiency gains reducing the overall elapsed time frame from submission to project completion.”

SB22 COO Vladimir Jovanovic commented: “Our goal has been to build a platform that disrupts the industry reliance on legacy technology. Fi22 enables operators of all sizes to offer a vastly superior user experience while using the advanced automation capabilities to drive profitability by reducing operational overhead.

“Providing technology that enables operators to achieve results in more efficient ways such as with AI and ML-driven personalised marketing and responsible gaming tools will enable the industry to make a big leap forward and really deliver on its promises.”

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